Audun Tamnes
Silting subcategories and the transitivity of iterated urreducible silting mutation
Silting subcategories and the transitivity of iterated urreducible silting mutation
Rickard’s Morita theorem for derived categories
Simulating particle cascades in the search for dark matter using cosmic neutrino observations
WalnutDSA: Another attempt at braid group cryptography
Dynamical-chemical coupling in the polar middle atmosphere
Spin wave modulation in antiferromagnetic magnonic crystals with interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Photon-assisted Landau-Zener transitions in driven few-level systems
Controlling nuclear field gradients in triple quantum dot by Landau-Zener sweeps
A classifying space for principal G-bundles with connection, in the category of simplicial presheaves
Two-component spin-orbit coupled ultracold atoms in the triangular lattice